December – Jobs to do

December is a quiet month in the garden, but there are more things to take care of than you might think.

While December is the month to snuggle down in doors with the fire crackling and the house adorned with Christmas cheer, there is still plenty we can be doing in the gardens other than looking at them through the window!

  • Protect terracotta pots from cracking in freezing weather by bringing them indoors or wrapping in bubble polythene.
  • Hang bird feeders near roses to attract hungry birds that will also pick off any overwintering pests and be sure to keep them topped up with high energy food during the month to keep the birds in steady supply.
  • Move plants in pots to a sheltered spot if conditions turn very cold, as their roots are more exposed to the elements than if they were planted in the ground. 
  • Plant fragrant winter shrubs in pots on the doorsteps, including sarcococca and Daphne ‘odora’ to add wonderful winter fragrance.
  • Make sure Brussels sprouts don’t topple over in strong winds – tie to a cane for support and earth up the stems.
  • Prune grapevines, cutting back side-branches to one or two buds from the main stem.
  • Move houseplants onto a sunny windowsill over the winter, to get as much light as possible during the shorter days and reduce the watering levels.
  • Put out fresh water for birds every day during frosty weather.
  • Stand your fresh Christmas tree in a bucket of water in a sheltered spot outdoors until it’s time to bring it indoors. Then cut an inch off the base of the trunk to enable the tree to draw up optimum water when you put it in its stand. Keep the water reservoir in the stand topped up with water, Christmas trees can drink up to 1 pint a day to help with needle retention. 
  • Clear out your shed and organise and clean your tools so you are all set for the season ahead.
  • Work off any Christmas excesses by digging over bare areas of ground, incorporating garden compost and removing any perennial weeds being sure to remove as much root as you can.
  • Bring all watering equipment indoors, including hoses and sprinklers, so they don’t freeze and split.
  • Why not have a go at making your own festive wreath by foraging from evergreen shrubs or berries in your gardens?
  • Now enjoy a hot cup of coffee and a mince pie and start writing that list to Santa Claus!